Next Level Play Demands

Next Level Fields

Fundraise your way to great fields!  Our services can help:

• Reduce risk of injury
• Enhance facility reputation
• Increase field lifespan
• Increase player morale
• Reduce labor of staff and volunteers
• Reduce overall cost

Do more with less

For school and facility administrators

School and facility administrators have a tough job and are increasingly expected to do more with less. Drop us a line so we can show you how our system will return valuable time to your maintenance staff and also reduce your costs. We can either set up your teams on our fundraising platform or you can contract with us directly and perform the fundraising tasks on your own.

The Sky's The Limit

For teams, clubs, leagues, and facilities

We know it can be hard to run sports operations, especially when there are so many tasks that might need the help of volunteers or coaches. Parents and coaches can’t always be expected to take care of things like mowing or lining fields properly, but we do what we have to do so our kids and players don’t suffer.  Help us free up volunteer and coach time while getting the most beautiful practice and game fields you’ve ever had. Contact us to learn more about how we can setup and manage a fundraising tool for you to pay for the extra mowing and lining of your fields and possibly get some cash back at the end of the season.

For Churches and Other Businesses With Property

Build New Revenue or Upgrade Existing Facilities

Level up your athletic field or paint parking lot lines on your property grass for special events with clean crisp new lines. We can either set you up on our fundraising platform or contract directly with you for services.